Thursday, May 17, 2018

Women are evil?

Are they? That’s a really serious question right there. We all know about stereotypical nature of fragile, weak, delicate women, but nobody noticed that they can be crazy in a dangerous ways? Dear all men, I would really question the “weak sex” thing and be sometimes scared when being around angry women.

Of course I have some examples to show you the dangerous side of women.


Elizabeth Báthory  - she was accused of torturing and killing hundreds of young women between 1585 and 1609. Why? Because blood of young women is good for your skin, duh!
(vampire alert! Stay away! ✝)

Ilse Koch  - known as The Witch of Buchenwald. A lovely name for a person that killed a lot of people, just because she wanted tattooed skin for lampshades.
(“let me call the fashion police”)

Irma Grese  - just a female SS guard, who killed painfully a lot of prisoners in concentrations camps. Aaaand she liked to brutally rape young Jewish girls and commanded them to watch this.
(What the hell?! O_O)

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko  - soviet Sniper, who killed 309 people during World War II.
(Why isn’t it a thing in a video games? Russian female sniper, so cool (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) For mother Russia! No? Okay.)

Aileen Wuornos  - she killed 7 men, just because she claimed that they raped or attempted to rape her while she was working as a sex worker.
(yep, I should be definitely be nice to prostitutes all the time, remember that men and women too!)

Marie Delphine Macarty  - she killed and tortured a lot of her household slaves.
(maybe find another hobby that doesn’t need killing and any human bodies, hm?)

Katherine Knight  - she stabbed her partner to death and then skinned him. Aaaand cooked his head and parts of his body.
(Bon Appétit?)

And of course we can’t forget about her:
Cersei – this crazy chick gonna just ruin everyone’s life. No exceptions.

So as you see… Just run! And be careful while being around the women!

Okay, okay, being serious. I would think twice before I hurt anybody, because you never know, how they could react. I write this post to show that women and men are equal in being crazy murderer, so never assume that girls are the “weak sex”…

...because they can be right behind you! RUN!

(you can read more about every of these crazy ladies on wikipedia, I just wanted to keep it short)

And what do you think? Are women evil? Are you afraid of them? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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