Sunday, August 19, 2018

Insatiable - teenage, drama, light

3 words: teenage, drama, light

Is it worth it? Yes.

I just consumed Insatiable with one bite… okay, maybe it took two days. I liked the show, the idea behind it, but there was a lack of something that would make Insatiable fantastic (for me at least). I still recommend this show to everyone. Insatiable is enjoyable, but not fantastic, just perfect for after work tiredness, when you want to watch something light. So what was wrong with it and what was good (in my opinion)?

Not too much of bullying.
Let me explain. The scenes, where Patty was bullied for being fat, last only for few first minutes of the first episode of Insatiable. It’s too short to get the feeling of being bullied, of the pain, of sadness, of being left alone with those bullies and there’s nothing you can do and nobody that want to help you. It was just too short and I couldn’t exactly empathize with Patty. It doesn’t have to be few episodes of bullying, just good one episode full of showing how cruel bullying can be.

Not too much revenge.
When I watched the trailer to Insatiable, I got very excited, because the scene where Patty was about to put one guy on fire. YES, REVENGE HONEY! Well… I won’t say, if she did it, but I will warn you that… Insatiable is NOT a drastic show. Patty isn’t a true monster and she didn’t do a real revenge. It was more like a moral revenge in the way “I will show everybody how much more successful and better than others I am”. You know, rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes she acted a little twisted, but it’s not a smart psycho revenge. No showing bullies that with their bullying they created a true monster.

I wouldn’t call it a comedy.
I laughed out loud only once through the whole show. It wasn’t funny for me. Insatiable was more like a light teenage show, which I really enjoyed and relaxed by watching it. Or maybe the jokes were just boring? I don’t exactly know, what is the problem in Insatiable. Why there wasn’t any dark humour? I think they should promote Insatiable as a teenage show or drama, it would suit it better. Still, I really liked it.

The threesome… just why?
I didn’t like it. I think it supposed to be a funny scene, but it was kinda cringey. I wasn’t disgusted, if some people want a threesome let them have it, but in this show it was cringey. It wasn’t in a funny, artistic or erotic way. It was just there, being cringey.

I like her and her (rare) thoughts about questioning herself. I think they should show it more to let the watchers know, how badly a person can lost in their life. I loved, when she was questioning: “Am I a good person?”. It’s hard to answer it, when everybody around you try to use you for only their benefits. When you’re trying to be a good person, everybody use you. When you’re saying you won’t doing, what they want, suddenly you’re a bad person. My second favourite thought is: “You always make it about yourself”, which is showing, how everyone thinks about them all the time (I mean in the show, but in real life a lot of us do that too). And I loved, when Patty told the truth about others secrets. Yes, she did it in revenge, but in my opinion those weren’t an important secrets, but ugly LIES. A secret can be your secret club only for girls/boys, but it’s not having an affair.

Damn, you’re hot. But why you’re not normal? :[

I don’t know why, but I could get attached only to Patty (and it’s not a strong attachment). Magnolia was a good written character (she even had really bad life problems). For Coralee I was hoping for a strong change in her life as a business woman. For the rest characters I really don’t care, they’re not that interesting for me.

The plot overall.
It was sooo predictable. It’s not a bad thing. A lot of movies, books, games are predictable, when you watched, read, played a tons of it. BUT the way you present the plot can be interesting… and in Insatiable only the idea was interesting. It was sometimes maybe not boring, but kinda “Oh, they will do that that way, meh okay.”.

The crying and eating scene.
I loved that scene, when Patty was eating and crying and all that you can still hear in the credits. No background sad music, just her crying and eating. It wasn’t specific crying, you can hear her trying to not cry. You know the moment, when you want to cry, so you’re holding it, but it was hold for so long that the emotions starting to getting out. I loved that scene. I was crying with her and I strongly emphasized with her in that moment.

Great marketing.
The idea to make it loud about Insatiable through some petitions to cancel the show and huge critics screams about “bad message that only slim girls can be pretty and popular” was excellent. I heard about Insatiable, when I read an article about the petitions. You smart motherduckers from marketing department
(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

I recommend this show, because it is enjoyable, just don’t except it to be fantastic or “wow, I need more seasons of this show!” (but seriously, I don’t think season 2 would be a good idea). And I don’t think it had any deep messages, Insatiable had more of motivational quotes, but there’s no important message. This show is good for some relaxing watching without using the brain, excellent for after work tiredness.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

E.P.A. #0 Our name is EPA

Hello, my little gnome tribe :3 So the first E.P.A. series I started in polish and it was a written story (no images, I repeat NO IMAGES omg D:). It's because my right hand isn't fully... able-bodied (let me use that word) and that's why for a long time I didn't want to draw. Drawing is still something new, challenging and really hard for me. That's why it always take me sooo long to draw anything and the drawings aren't that perfect. And I decided it's time to back to writing, which I love like nothing else.

And I'm going to travel a little, so I won't have an easy access to my computer (crying inside, because all those unfinished games that I'll leave D:).

I hope you will like the written story of E.P.A. and yes, it could have some non understandable fragments, because my English still isn't that good, but I feel comfortable enough to start writing in this language.

I will create for easy reading EPUB and PDF versions for each story.

E.P.A. #0 Our name is EPA     EPUB    PDF

Friday, June 15, 2018

Celebrities clones

There is a theory, that some celebrities have been cloned.

So here I am with my “Ha! Hold my gnome hat! I will explain this” whole cloning thing! It’s time to be pretentious!

So let’s start with an idea of cloning. Cloning facts! Oh, wait, that’s someone’s else catchphrase… never mind, just get into some facts:
  1. Cloning is producing genetically identical copies of a biological entity.
  2. Clones can occur naturally -> some plants, bacteria and identical twins (but twins aren’t full 100% copies of each other and they different from their parents).
  3. Types of cloning -> gene cloning, reproductive cloning (copies of whole animals) and therapeutic cloning (used for experiments to cloning the organs).
  4. Animals are cloned through the clone into an empty egg, then it’s growing a little in a lab and it is implanted into adult animal. In 1979 was produced the first genetically identical clone of a mice. To this day researchers cloned cow, sheep, chickens, cat, deer, dog, horse, mule, ox, rabbit and rat.
  5. Human cloning is still a fiction. It’s just far more difficult than animals cloning.
  6. Clones do not always look identical.
  7. Clones have a lot of health issues.

Now, when we educated ourselves enough, time to explain why cloning the celebrities is an irrational idea:
  • It’s costing too much. 

Therapeutic cloning, cloning organs, would cost above $100 000. And cloning a whole human? $2 million <and 99 cents, please>. Why pay so much money, when you can easily find someone similar to your celebrity on the streets? It’s easier, faster and cost almost nothing. Just look:

Jessica Aguirre (Twitter: @mariahlookalike)
Mariah Carrey

  • It’s not possible for now.

Think about it. If cloning humans was possible and cheap then you would for sure see some shops with freshly cloned organs for $49,99! The thing is that’s just far too difficult for researchers and too expensive.

  • There is a big chance that the clone wouldn’t look like a celebrity.

If a clone can’t look identical to a celebrity then what’s the point of cloning? Coming back to my first argument -> it’s easier to find someone look alike on the streets and people will just say: “Oh, look at her! She had nose surgery for sure!”. And music industry showed us in a lot of examples that the new stars don’t have to look like the old ones. Because the sad conclusion is nobody is unique and anybody can be replaced.

Look around you - replacing celebrities with new celebrities.

Ariana Grande and Mariah Carrey

Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner

One Direction and Backstreet Boys

So what do you think about cloning? Which stars have been replaced in your opinion?

Britney Spears has been cloned

Once again Shane Dawson makes me wonder about conspiracy theories. This time an interesting problem has to be solved: Has Britney Spears been cloned? Here’s Shane’s video, that made me pretentious again:

(by the way, if you like it, leave there a like and a nice comment, it’s really well made video :])

So here I am (once again) with my “Ha! Hold my gnome hat! I will explain this” whole cloning thing! It’s time to be pretentious!

I will make from this two posts:
This one is my interpretation of a song Mona Lisa by Britney Spears.

I will start with some short facts in chronology:
  1. There was an album called Original Doll, which supposed to be realized in 2005. On 31st December 2004 Britney Spears brought a CD to studio to play the album live on air. BUT after that Jive Records stated: “No album is scheduled at the moment, but Britney is in the studio working on some material. There are no plans to service “Mona Lisa” to radio.”. And Original Doll was never realized (shame, so good!). 
  2. 2004 started her problems with “erratic” behavior (I mean, which celebrity is acting always normal?) and some drugs in action.
  3. 2006 meltdown – the infamous head shaving (which had probably a purpose to past positive on the drug test, because she loved her kids so much, that she didn’t want to lose them). . And don’t laugh at it, because meltdowns (fake or real) are not funny
  4. 2007 was realized Blackout (5 years after her previous album In the Zone).
  5. 2008 she was taken to a hospital via ambulance and placed on a psychiatric hold

Now it's time for some interpretation the message in the song:

On the album Original Doll was a song Mona Lisa. It’s quite catchy, listen:

[it’s my own interpretation, so all rights reserved, at least give me some credit and by copying this don’t forget about mentioning me, Pretentious Gnomie, or better my blog]

Did you hear? She’s been cloned 3 times in the row, what makes it really important message. Let’s just analyze the lyrics (lyrics here ). So Britney Spears tell us a story about original, unforgettable Mona Lisa, that everyone knew –> to this part we think about famous painting Mona Lisa.

But Mona Lisa suddenly fell –> it’s just a painting, but it’s also a “treasure” for art lovers and for now very precious. If the Mona Lisa fell and get damaged, it would be (in some way) tragic and There will be a legend of her fall.

Then we have chorus about cloning, that still remind us about painting, because a lot of old, precious paintings were copied to protect them. I actually think, that original Mona Lisa isn’t hanging in Louvre, but is hidden and protected in some archives (and on the copy Mona Lisa’s smile probably is bigger, than on the original one, which makes people think it’s a Mandela Effect).

She was running like an angel and crying –> paintings don’t have legs to run and if they could cry, then it would be hella creepy.

So we have a metaphor or better, a personification.

Mona Lisa is a living person. She’s famous and unique, but she has some problems (sadness, pressure) and everyone’s watching as she starts to fall (meltdown). Some people want her to break down (crushing her to the end).

The last part is quite interesting. I think, the storyteller is asking, if that makes you cry, but it’s a rhetorical question, because the storyteller answered himself, nobody really does -> so the storyteller knows the tears of other people are actually meaningless or even fake. And then Mona Lisa die (or have an enormous meltdown). She’s got to fly to heaven and the teller asks us for a moment of silence right there. A pray begins to God.

And now I will repeat -> She’s been cloned, Mona Lisa has been cloned. The original one is useless, because she fell and got damaged, so she will be replaced and… destroyed.

Wow, it’s a sad song for sure, but very beautiful and artistic at the same time. If Britney Spears really wrote that, then she’s truly an artist (in my opinion).

About Britney Spears:
  1. Britney Spears was admired (still is), big star, very famous, talented, unique.
  2. A lot of people turned out to be fake. The paparazzi and journalists want her to break down, by searching for sensation they pressured her with very private questions (and let’s be honest, they were awfully rude and still are).
  3. She fell and got damaged – mental health issues, meltdown. Because she’s famous, her fall is quite legendary, for sure in every news.
  4. Britney Spears was killed and replaced with a clone.

So the conspiracy theory is: she probably didn’t behave like an another doll manipulated by (yes, the famous) Illuminati! She was the Original Doll and that’s a big no, no! from Illuminati. So they killed her and replaced with a clone of her!
And why isn’t cloning the celebrities a rational idea? WELL, click here to know <smart clickbait, huehuehue, but being serious it’s too much words for just one post>

Thursday, May 17, 2018

I'm on Twitter, yay

I'm on Twitter! <non enthusiastic> yay! Now it's even easier to irritate the world!

Follow me my (little) gnome's army!

My Twitter -> click here!

Women are evil?

Are they? That’s a really serious question right there. We all know about stereotypical nature of fragile, weak, delicate women, but nobody noticed that they can be crazy in a dangerous ways? Dear all men, I would really question the “weak sex” thing and be sometimes scared when being around angry women.

Of course I have some examples to show you the dangerous side of women.


Elizabeth Báthory  - she was accused of torturing and killing hundreds of young women between 1585 and 1609. Why? Because blood of young women is good for your skin, duh!
(vampire alert! Stay away! ✝)

Ilse Koch  - known as The Witch of Buchenwald. A lovely name for a person that killed a lot of people, just because she wanted tattooed skin for lampshades.
(“let me call the fashion police”)

Irma Grese  - just a female SS guard, who killed painfully a lot of prisoners in concentrations camps. Aaaand she liked to brutally rape young Jewish girls and commanded them to watch this.
(What the hell?! O_O)

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko  - soviet Sniper, who killed 309 people during World War II.
(Why isn’t it a thing in a video games? Russian female sniper, so cool (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) For mother Russia! No? Okay.)

Aileen Wuornos  - she killed 7 men, just because she claimed that they raped or attempted to rape her while she was working as a sex worker.
(yep, I should be definitely be nice to prostitutes all the time, remember that men and women too!)

Marie Delphine Macarty  - she killed and tortured a lot of her household slaves.
(maybe find another hobby that doesn’t need killing and any human bodies, hm?)

Katherine Knight  - she stabbed her partner to death and then skinned him. Aaaand cooked his head and parts of his body.
(Bon Appétit?)

And of course we can’t forget about her:
Cersei – this crazy chick gonna just ruin everyone’s life. No exceptions.

So as you see… Just run! And be careful while being around the women!

Okay, okay, being serious. I would think twice before I hurt anybody, because you never know, how they could react. I write this post to show that women and men are equal in being crazy murderer, so never assume that girls are the “weak sex”…

...because they can be right behind you! RUN!

(you can read more about every of these crazy ladies on wikipedia, I just wanted to keep it short)

And what do you think? Are women evil? Are you afraid of them? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Let’s not talk about Spechie

I know what are you thinking: “Hey, Gnomie, you’re speaking about Spechie, isn’t that hypocrisy?”, but hear me out (or read).

Hold my gnome’s hat! It’s time to be pretentious!

Who is Spechie? She’s a storytelling Youtuber. She speaks about her life and expresses her opinion on different things. Sounds like a lot of people you meet daily, right? The problem for many people may be the fact, that she speaks out loud her thoughts.

A couple of people started to complain about Spechie. Some of them with hate, some just to complain, some with actual good constructive critique.

(you sensitive people, don’t worry I have a solution for you)


Do we really have to discuss about her?

She’s very young, she’s trying to figure her life out, like many of us, and just talking about some things on YouTube.

I don’t understand why some people are like: “OMG, how dare you to speak like that about this! I’m gonna make a video to complain about you!”.


Just ignore her. Really. You don’t have to make a whole complain video about a teenager, who’s making some videos on the Internet. I don’t like Logan Paul, but I don’t write a whole post, why he’s so bad. I just don’t watch his videos and I’m not wasting my time – simple as that.

And it’s not only about Spechie, but about a lot of people that are irritating or make you mad on the Internet – JUST IGNORE THEM! Or leave a thumb down or a short comment: “I didn’t like your video” or “I disagree with you”. Like for real, you can clean up your house in the same amount of time you’re making a complain video.

Just to be clear I didn’t say her videos are bad or good. They are okay for me.

Monday, April 23, 2018


So everyone knows Tinder, eHarmony and other dating apps and a lot of people are complaining about perverts out there. I pretend to be a human not a gnome and started using OkCupid for creating my own opinion on real experience.
for my researching purposes, hue, hue, hue >:D
As a Pretentious Gnomie I love lists, so here’s a list of failures in dating apps:
  1. “Hi!” people – oh my God! How stupid that is? How a person can get to know each other, if you starting with “hey”?! With saying greetings like “hi” there comes a great responsibility, you know? After “hi” you suppose to write something more. BE A MAN (or a woman, I don’t judge) and start the fricking conversation!
  2. “Hi beauty!” people – ekhm… you’re here only for sex, aren’t you? If you are searching for beautiful girl just for your extra space in bed, go outside, to the bar and voila! Look! You don’t have to wait for her to coming through the ocean for ya! She’s right there! And boi, oh boi! If she agrees, she will go with you to your creepy flat the same night you met! Hurray you creep :D
  3. Muslims uuuu, she’s so bad! She’s talking bad about Muslims! How could she?! Because I’m a frickin gnome, deal with it! – okay, let’s be honest. Everybody have the right to be on this website, but sorry, it’s not a good idea to search for an european girl just to marry her and get the european citizenship by typing “you beautiful” to a girl, who has a long as milky way profile and long as 7 Kingdoms from Game of Thrones short description of herself. And why are you searching for an european girl, who won’t for sure wear any scarf on her head?! You creep!
  4. Polish boys – you’re mention here for only one reason – WTF? Why are you so weird?! You weird creep!
  5. “Can I get your Snapchat?” people – creep alert!
  6. “I want to have brats kids!” people – listen. If a woman say she doesn’t want to have kids, she’s a cold Cruella De Vil, run! she magically won’t like them, because of you. If you have in your profile that you want to have kids, then why are you writing to the chick, who doesn’t want them?! Use logic, logic saves lives.
  7. “What type of personality from the test by Briggs Myers are you?” – Oh, what type? I’m the “gonna whoop your ass” type :3 Yes, I bring on the Briggs Myers’s test just to make fun of it. Sorry not sorry. I’m a gnome, you can’t measure my personality with human tests, pfff…
  8. “What console are you playing on?” – and God forbid, if you say “I have a PC, but it doesn’t matter, ‘cause it’s all about games not gaming platform.”. Oh and the games you play, sometimes it’s matter what are you playing, because reasons. geeky creep
  9. Gnomes that pretend to be human and wasting someone’s time.

Generally I didn’t met a single pervert, sooo… wtf? Where are them perverts at? <David Guetta’s music, Flo Rida and Nicki “Young Money” Minaj>

I think, I just did everything every girl should do, to be safe on the Internet:
  1. Everyone knows that, but a friendly reminder – don’t give your real home/work address, phone number, Facebook/snapchat, naked photos etc. It’s a big NO. And forget about giving your real name as user’s name.
  2. Never speak to anyone, who started with “Hi beauty”, “You’re beautiful!”, “You have really nice smile :)” etc. (unless you want some casual sex, then I don’t judge but I recorded everything for researching purposes). Just delete the conversation once it shows up.
  3. Try to get know each other. Just giving complements won’t success in a good relationship.
  4. Write a lot about things you like and VERY IMPORTANT even if there’s no field for that, write what you don’t want, like: “I don’t like Star Wars”, “No cats/dogs lover”, “Don’t write just hi”, “No Christians/Muslims/Pastafarians/etc.”, don’t be afraid of “I’m gay/bi/etc.” even if a gnome, like me, don’t understand this concept at all.
  5. Don’t take it too quick. Let’s be honest, if we talk for a month now, it’s still really short for a relationship, where you can’t see/touch/smell/do anything together. It takes a lot of patience and time to build such relation.

But I met a lot of nice people there and, even that I’m a heartless gnome, I understand why people are using dating app. It’s a place where you can find even more friends than lovers or future loves, which is cool. And it’s a good place for people, who searches for something concrete. It’s connecting people. I even learned a few new things from people I met. I really recommend this way of communication, if someone is really lonely and can’t find friends in their neighborhood. Just remember to be careful, okay? And don’t be afraid of talking to people, because you always can just log off – disappear, if you don’t like it.

What do you think about dating apps?