Sunday, August 19, 2018

Insatiable - teenage, drama, light

3 words: teenage, drama, light

Is it worth it? Yes.

I just consumed Insatiable with one bite… okay, maybe it took two days. I liked the show, the idea behind it, but there was a lack of something that would make Insatiable fantastic (for me at least). I still recommend this show to everyone. Insatiable is enjoyable, but not fantastic, just perfect for after work tiredness, when you want to watch something light. So what was wrong with it and what was good (in my opinion)?

Not too much of bullying.
Let me explain. The scenes, where Patty was bullied for being fat, last only for few first minutes of the first episode of Insatiable. It’s too short to get the feeling of being bullied, of the pain, of sadness, of being left alone with those bullies and there’s nothing you can do and nobody that want to help you. It was just too short and I couldn’t exactly empathize with Patty. It doesn’t have to be few episodes of bullying, just good one episode full of showing how cruel bullying can be.

Not too much revenge.
When I watched the trailer to Insatiable, I got very excited, because the scene where Patty was about to put one guy on fire. YES, REVENGE HONEY! Well… I won’t say, if she did it, but I will warn you that… Insatiable is NOT a drastic show. Patty isn’t a true monster and she didn’t do a real revenge. It was more like a moral revenge in the way “I will show everybody how much more successful and better than others I am”. You know, rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes she acted a little twisted, but it’s not a smart psycho revenge. No showing bullies that with their bullying they created a true monster.

I wouldn’t call it a comedy.
I laughed out loud only once through the whole show. It wasn’t funny for me. Insatiable was more like a light teenage show, which I really enjoyed and relaxed by watching it. Or maybe the jokes were just boring? I don’t exactly know, what is the problem in Insatiable. Why there wasn’t any dark humour? I think they should promote Insatiable as a teenage show or drama, it would suit it better. Still, I really liked it.

The threesome… just why?
I didn’t like it. I think it supposed to be a funny scene, but it was kinda cringey. I wasn’t disgusted, if some people want a threesome let them have it, but in this show it was cringey. It wasn’t in a funny, artistic or erotic way. It was just there, being cringey.

I like her and her (rare) thoughts about questioning herself. I think they should show it more to let the watchers know, how badly a person can lost in their life. I loved, when she was questioning: “Am I a good person?”. It’s hard to answer it, when everybody around you try to use you for only their benefits. When you’re trying to be a good person, everybody use you. When you’re saying you won’t doing, what they want, suddenly you’re a bad person. My second favourite thought is: “You always make it about yourself”, which is showing, how everyone thinks about them all the time (I mean in the show, but in real life a lot of us do that too). And I loved, when Patty told the truth about others secrets. Yes, she did it in revenge, but in my opinion those weren’t an important secrets, but ugly LIES. A secret can be your secret club only for girls/boys, but it’s not having an affair.

Damn, you’re hot. But why you’re not normal? :[

I don’t know why, but I could get attached only to Patty (and it’s not a strong attachment). Magnolia was a good written character (she even had really bad life problems). For Coralee I was hoping for a strong change in her life as a business woman. For the rest characters I really don’t care, they’re not that interesting for me.

The plot overall.
It was sooo predictable. It’s not a bad thing. A lot of movies, books, games are predictable, when you watched, read, played a tons of it. BUT the way you present the plot can be interesting… and in Insatiable only the idea was interesting. It was sometimes maybe not boring, but kinda “Oh, they will do that that way, meh okay.”.

The crying and eating scene.
I loved that scene, when Patty was eating and crying and all that you can still hear in the credits. No background sad music, just her crying and eating. It wasn’t specific crying, you can hear her trying to not cry. You know the moment, when you want to cry, so you’re holding it, but it was hold for so long that the emotions starting to getting out. I loved that scene. I was crying with her and I strongly emphasized with her in that moment.

Great marketing.
The idea to make it loud about Insatiable through some petitions to cancel the show and huge critics screams about “bad message that only slim girls can be pretty and popular” was excellent. I heard about Insatiable, when I read an article about the petitions. You smart motherduckers from marketing department
(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

I recommend this show, because it is enjoyable, just don’t except it to be fantastic or “wow, I need more seasons of this show!” (but seriously, I don’t think season 2 would be a good idea). And I don’t think it had any deep messages, Insatiable had more of motivational quotes, but there’s no important message. This show is good for some relaxing watching without using the brain, excellent for after work tiredness.

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