This book is amazing! Maybe the story isn’t for adults, because it reminds me of Scooby Doo’s adventures, but it is still amazing!
(I have this book in polish)
It’s really innovative to mix books with films on the Internet. It always is a great idea to make books for kids more interesting. And we have the feeling, that this whole story could happen.
Okay, so we have here two protagonists:
- Ryan – young writer.
- Sarah – she likes to record everything with her camera.
The book is Ryan’s journal and he hides there passwords to the short films made by Sarah on her webpage - We can find also glued notes and drawings. They try to solve together a mystery in their town, Skeleton Creek, and it isn’t an easy task, when everyone acts suspicious.
(Translation: Do you want to meet the truth?)
(Film made by Sarah on her website)
Yeah, the story isn’t original… or is it? I think it’s quite maybe not new but fresh. I like to be scared, so I read a lot of horror books, but even Stephen King (sorry King, still have respect for you) can’t make me get goosebumps. This book somehow manage to do it. I think, Sarah’s films were an excellent idea to extend the book’s world on the new media – films and Internet. This is the reason, what makes their story better and scarier. It seemed to be more realistic that way and make us more curious about their discoveries.
And like I said, it’s like Scooby Doo’s adventures – there is a mystery, Ryan and Sarah have to solve it, they’re gathering clues, they have to be sneaky, they can’t trust anyone. It’s a scheme that I love, because nothing make a horror book (or a movie, or a game) better, than a mystery that need to be solved with the terrifying thought of being chased and without trusting anybody, even your family.
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