Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Mandela Effect

I get bored with creepypastas and paranormal ghostly clickbait “OMG, REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON TAPE”. So I started to watch some conspiracy theories and the best choice was Shane Dawson. The way he explained the Mandela Effect and other creepy stuff and conspiracy theories is so entertaining! Here’s his video, that made me to write this text:

(by the way, if you like it, leave there a like and a nice comment, it’s really well made video :])

And here I am with my “Ha! Hold my gnome hat! I will explain this” whole Mandela Effect. It’s time to be pretentious!

I will start with explaining, what is this Mandela Effect. So firstly, I will go with these two questions for you:
  1. What does Mickey Mouse look like?
    If you answered, that he has red suspenders, then… MANDELA EFFECT! Google Mickey Mouse. No suspenders.
  2. What does Monopoly Guy look like?
    If you answered, that he has a monocle, then… MANDELA EFFECT! Google Monopoly Guy. No monocle.
But, but, but I remember that they have these things, I swear! WTF?!

So in the world of conspiracy theories it’s called The Mandela Effect. In short, there can be alternative worlds and they sometimes leak here and there or we even switch to this alternative world. These leaks change e.g. the look of Mickey Mouse or a famous movie quote (You thought it was “Luke, I am your father”, ha! Nope! It was “No, I am your father”). There can be also a time traveler, that messed up something in the past and change the future. And we get to The Mandela Effect - some people remember something from the past, that doesn't exist.

Why I don’t believe in Mandela Effect? (but I can be wrong, maybe the conspiracy theory is true)

Starting with an example, I’m a person that can’t remember historical facts in right order or what happened in the past. And the names of people from history, literature, science give me nightmares, oh god, please no! Because of my freaky memory, I mix up all those things all the time. Hamlet? Oh, yeah, author is… ekhm… eh… (it was quite bloody, maybe it’s) Bram Stoker! Law of gravitation? (loading, please wait…) Benjamin Franklin! Lutheranism? (omg, I don’t even know, what it is. Wait, it sounds familiar…) Martin Luther King!


You don’t believe, that people can be so uneducated, huh? Yeah, well, buddy, I know professors, that are uneducated… in their fields. The facts are different? Whatever, students will believe in any bullshit, if they want to pass.

So what happen, when somebody mix up the facts and believe in false information? There is something called paramnesia:
"A condition or phenomenon involving distorted memory or confusions of fact and fantasy, such as confabulation or déjà vu." 
And when you’re spreading false information (intentionally or unintentionally) further and more people are believing in your “truth”, it’s called misinformation:
"False or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive." 
I’m not saying, that you have to go to psychiatrist. You’re totally healthy (I hope). I’m only explaining the Mandela Effect, that it’s probably just a misinformation. One person makes a mistake in facts, others hear it and their brain accept this as the true information.

And we also have a disinformation:
"False information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media." 
Which is a beloved weapon for propaganda and crowd control. Aaaand the mistakes are a great idea to bring some attention to the product.

So never fully believe in literally anything and remember, our truth can be changed anytime.

But I still believe, that Mickey had suspenders, if not, then Disney, what are you waiting for?! Give him suspenders, god dammit!

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