Friday, June 15, 2018

Celebrities clones

There is a theory, that some celebrities have been cloned.

So here I am with my “Ha! Hold my gnome hat! I will explain this” whole cloning thing! It’s time to be pretentious!

So let’s start with an idea of cloning. Cloning facts! Oh, wait, that’s someone’s else catchphrase… never mind, just get into some facts:
  1. Cloning is producing genetically identical copies of a biological entity.
  2. Clones can occur naturally -> some plants, bacteria and identical twins (but twins aren’t full 100% copies of each other and they different from their parents).
  3. Types of cloning -> gene cloning, reproductive cloning (copies of whole animals) and therapeutic cloning (used for experiments to cloning the organs).
  4. Animals are cloned through the clone into an empty egg, then it’s growing a little in a lab and it is implanted into adult animal. In 1979 was produced the first genetically identical clone of a mice. To this day researchers cloned cow, sheep, chickens, cat, deer, dog, horse, mule, ox, rabbit and rat.
  5. Human cloning is still a fiction. It’s just far more difficult than animals cloning.
  6. Clones do not always look identical.
  7. Clones have a lot of health issues.

Now, when we educated ourselves enough, time to explain why cloning the celebrities is an irrational idea:
  • It’s costing too much. 

Therapeutic cloning, cloning organs, would cost above $100 000. And cloning a whole human? $2 million <and 99 cents, please>. Why pay so much money, when you can easily find someone similar to your celebrity on the streets? It’s easier, faster and cost almost nothing. Just look:

Jessica Aguirre (Twitter: @mariahlookalike)
Mariah Carrey

  • It’s not possible for now.

Think about it. If cloning humans was possible and cheap then you would for sure see some shops with freshly cloned organs for $49,99! The thing is that’s just far too difficult for researchers and too expensive.

  • There is a big chance that the clone wouldn’t look like a celebrity.

If a clone can’t look identical to a celebrity then what’s the point of cloning? Coming back to my first argument -> it’s easier to find someone look alike on the streets and people will just say: “Oh, look at her! She had nose surgery for sure!”. And music industry showed us in a lot of examples that the new stars don’t have to look like the old ones. Because the sad conclusion is nobody is unique and anybody can be replaced.

Look around you - replacing celebrities with new celebrities.

Ariana Grande and Mariah Carrey

Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner

One Direction and Backstreet Boys

So what do you think about cloning? Which stars have been replaced in your opinion?

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